Westfield HS PTSA

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AP Exams (open for more information)
From Monday, May 14, 2018
To Friday, May 18, 2018


AM: Biology & Music Theory
PM: Physics


AM: Calculus
PM: Computer Science & French


AM: English Language
PM: Macroeconomics


AM: Comparative Govt & World History
PM: Statistics


AM: Human Geography & Microeconomics

AP Exam Dates and Fees

For morning tests, students should arrive at WHS by 7:45 am.
For afternoon tests, students should arrive at WHS by 11:45 am.

Please remind your students to read the information paperwork they were given during their AP exam orientation! No phones. They should bring a photo ID and their AP exam booklet, #2 pencils, dark blue or black ink ball point pens, calculator with extra batteries (if appropriate for the exam), a ruler or straight edge (if needed for the exam--no protractors), a watch that does not make noise, a snack/water for breaks, and wear layers (some rooms are cold, others are warm). They must BE ON TIME - if they do not arrive by the start of the exam, they will not be allowed to test.